
If you want to add your publications to

  1. If you are not a contributor yet, ask me ( to add you.

You can simply use the GitHub website, but if you want to use your favorite tools, get the repository:

git clone

  1. Edit imagine_publications.bib to add your publications. The syntax is the same as for a standard bibfile with some additional fields. You can use one of the following templates:
    @article{ <key> ,
      title = ,
      author = {},
      journal = ,
      year = ,
      pdf = {},
      img = {},
      project = {},
      note = {},
      presentation = {},
      tldr = {}


    @inproceedings{ <key> ,
      title = ,
      author = {},
      booktitle = ,
      year = ,
      pdf = {}, 
      img = {},
      project = {},
      note = {},
      presentation = {},
      tldr = {}

Fill in the key (you can use anything) and at least the title, author, journal/booktitle, year fields. For journal and booktitle, please use the standard acronym (PAMI, CVPR, etc.) without { } nor “ “. If your journal / conference is not known yet by the script, you can add it to the image_Bibtex.js file (check the expanded_venues array) OR simply give the name in { }

The other fields are optional:

  1. Commit your changes (“Commit directly to the main branch”).

  2. Wait about a minute and check if your publication appears on the Imagine website (reload the page by pressing Shift when clicking the Reload arrow on Chrome and Safari…)